Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What, When and Where


Twin Town Quilting Exhibition
The participating towns and groups are:-
Sutton - Lavender Girls and SCOLA,
Gagny (Paris, France) - Patati Patata Patch,
Charlottenberg-Wilmersdorf (Berlin, Germany) - Treff

Over 60 quilts will be on display in several categories, including the main theme - 'Myths and Legends'

Admission is FREE


Friday 20th April and Saturday 21st April 2012
Opening times Friday 09.30 to 20.00 and Saturday 09.30 to 17.00


Europa Gallery,
Sutton Central Library,
St Nicholas Way,
Surrey, SM1 1EA

Car parking is available in Gibson Road, adjacent to the library

Link for the Library website

Link for Google maps

Less than a month to go.

We had our last Quilt Exhibition Committee meeting Monday 26th March. All our guests have a place to stay and a pick up from the airport or station. We also seem to have the journey home in hand. The publicity is well underway, with quilting magazine adverts and shop and library fliers in place, we are also distributing fliers in work places and with friends and relatives. Lists have been made for hanging the quilts, manning the exhibition and taking the quilts down at the end. We decided not to have a Tombola due to the cost involved. There will be a Charity Quilt raffle with tickets being sold in aid of the Mayors Charity - Helping young people into work. The Quilt has been made by the SCOLA group.

The Mayor of Sutton, Councillor Gerry Jerome, will host an opening reception on Thursday evening, by invitation only, guests include exhibition participants, groups and individuals whose assitance was so valuable in helping us realise the exhibition. With over 60 quilts to look at, there should be something to appeal to anyone taking the opportunity to come along and see the exhibition. We hope it may inspire some of you to have a go yourselves.