Thursday, November 24, 2011

Carew Manor Craft Fair

On Sunday the 20th of November we attended the Carew Manor Craft Fair. It was a foggy morning and a bit chilly. Three of us arrived early to set up and man the stall for a couple of hours. There were a variety of crafts represented, including jewellery, knitting, candles, glass painting, woodcrafts, cakes, preserves, christmas decorations, stitched items and our patchwork stall. There was a steady flow of vistitors to the Fair, some were interested in what we are doing and stopped for a chat and/or purchase. As usual, people asked 'Did we have any ...?' and it was something we had not thought of making. We managed to raise £85 on this occasion, bringing the sum raised so far to £2,247.

A big Thank You to every one who helped by making things to sell, manning the stall at the events and all those generous people for buying our work. We hope many of you will come along to the exhibition next April at the Europa Gallery in Sutton library to see more of our work and that of our twinned French and German quilters.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Croydon Lace Making Guild

We were invited to attend the AGM of the Croydon Lace Makers Guild on Saturday 19th of November. Sally and Mags took along our craft items and the 50 members who attended generously supported us by purchasing goods to the value of £131.50p. We would like to say thank you very much for your support it is much appreciated.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Quiz Night 29/10/11

105 people attended the quiz night. It was competitive throughout the evening, with the winning team pipping the rest on the last round with full marks of 20 out of 20. Their prize was a bottle of wine each. There was a well supported raffle with lots of prizes and after expenses we made £710.

Thanks to everyone who attended. We would also like to thank Mags and Sally for organising the event and the Quiz masters, Peter Hurn and Liz Robertson, for generously giving their time and effort to give everyone a most entertaining evening.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Quiz Night

Quilters of Sutton are holding a Quizical Quiz Night to raise funds for the Town Twinning Quilt Exhibition to be held in the Europa Gallery, Sutton Central Library from 19th to 22nd April 2012.

We invite you to join us on the 29th October 2011 at St John's Church, Northdown Road, Belmont SM2 6DY for 7.30 pm. The tickets are £6 each and you may bring your own refreshments.

Why not get a team toghether 6-8 per table.

To book a place please ring Sally on 020 8647 2462 or email

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Enviromental Fair

We had a very successful day at the Enviromental Fair on Bank Holiday Monday. We managed to raise a creditable £176.83p from our handmade items and brick-a-brac. Everyone involved seemed to have a good time. Maggs did an excellent job with her 'Make us an offer' pitch, she was impressively persuasive at getting people to part with their pennies. Here are some pictures from Nita. A big thank-you to everyone who helped to run the stall and all those good enough to spend their money with us.

Stall set up and ready to go with Anne, Shirley and Helen
A promising crowd of shoppers

Sally on the stall

Some of the items for sale

Maggs and her "Make us an offer" table

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Welcome to our blog

We hope to keep you informed about our various fund raising events and general progress towards hosting the Twin Town Patchwork Exhibition 2012.

The exhibition comprises entries from two groups of Sutton quilters and quilters from two of Suttons 'twin towns', namely Gagny in Paris, France and Charlottenburg Wilmersdorf in Berlin, Germany.

The exhibition will promote and develop relationships with members in the Twin Towns in the context of a shared interest in patchwork and quilting. The exhibition will be held in the Europa Gallery at Sutton Library 20th and 21st April 2012.