Now we have finished our fundraising, we are into planning the exhibition and entertainment for our French and German guests.
We have started circulating lists for volunteers to help set up and take down the exhibition, as well as manning the exhibit during opening hours.
The arrangements for entertaining our visitors are in progress and we hope to keep them pleasantly occupied. Provisional itinerary:
Thursday evening - opening reception for the quilting exhibition in the Europa Gallery.
Friday - visit to the Royal School of Needlework at Hampton Court Palace, then across the river for a trip to Creative Quilting (Patchwork and Quilting supplies).
Friday evening meal – venue to be agreed.
Saturday evening - town twinning reception.
We have about 60 quilts to hang in the exhibition. We have a Quilt Hanging Committee for organising the exhibition layout and hopefully several more people will volunteer to help us. We are currently working on the publicity poster, quilt labels and exhibition catalogue. We are making small gifts for our French and German guests to take back for all the people who contributed a quilt for this exhibition. We also hope to have a Tombola with handmade gifts to raise funds for a local charity.
CD - am happy to help with hanging if you need extra people as only down the road from me - if evening time. Also the homemade gifts for charity - can anyone contribute - and is it similar things as you were selling before?? Carole B